Monday, December 7, 2015

Project 3

This kaleidoscope was made by using a bush that was frosted over and had red berries on it.

This kaleidoscope was made by taking a picture of a pine tree that had snow on it. 

This kaleidoscope was a picture of a tree that had some leaves left on it and frosted over and I shot up into it.

This kaleidoscope was made by using a picture from the last project that I edited.

Size contrast

Color contrast

Texture contrast

Color and texture contrast

Texture contrast





Pre Work project 3

Color wheel.
Dimitri Vervitsiotis color contrast

Geno grubber
Scale - Contrast (Typography) by SoOsa92
Scale contrast. by SoOsa92

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Project 2

For this project we made a minimum of four grids and 1 mood photo.

For this grid I used green scenery to create cool colors and then put a gradient over to add blue as a split tone.

With this grid when I originally made it was very cool colors because of the white leaf but when I played with temp and contrast it made it warm colors.

For this grid I took two pictures and cropped and them into strips and wove them together and I used the the color saturation's to make it a monochrome.

These are my mood pictures and a couple of edits.(top one is final) The mood for this photo is the feeling you get when winter is almost over and spring is about to come and the colors start coming back in plants. 
 For this grid I made one original grid and flipped it to give a mirrored sense.
For this grid I used red and green to make a complementary color grid.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Project 1 
We shot eight techniques and did a lot of editing. The techniques were Bird Eye, Bugs Eye, 
Close Up,  Frame with In a frame, Fill in The Frame, Diagonal, Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines.

Bug's Eye View

To take this picture I held my phone out of the sun roof of our car when we were under the bridge. I took the picture when the sun was going down so the yellow and blue was already there so I used two gradients and emphasized the yellow and blue.

Rule of Thirds

For this picture we took pictures of the church at lunch. As far as editing goes I brought down the whites and whites and played with exposure and colors.

Close up

On this picture I decided that I didn't want edit because the dark green brought out the pink flower.

Fill in the frame

I also didnt edit this one because when i did it messed with pixels but I took this at my dads client party.

birds eye

This is a benson bubbler that I took with a birds eye view it was gray day so This picture didn't have much color so I wanted to add color so I used 3 gradients and 3 brush colors and one inverted mask.
Leading Lines

This picture was taken on same day and the sky above apartments was completely gray so I used gradient with blue and also took down the exposure on the apartments to make the colors contrast.


This photo was taken on a sunny day but I wanted to make the little tree pop out so I brushed in gray and brought down the saturation down quite bit on all the colors accept for green and red.

frame with in a frame.

This is my brother and he is looking through an old door at a house the my dad is showing for his business I added a lot of brightness to the frame so you can see the detail in it.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The best part of my summer

UO lacrosse camp 
This summer I was able to go to a lot of camps. These camps all have many stories behind them and they all were different. I played lacrosse last year for Lincoln and I will play again this year. I play defense that is why I have the tall stick. I also got to hangout with friends a lot and relax.