Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Project 2

For this project we made a minimum of four grids and 1 mood photo.

For this grid I used green scenery to create cool colors and then put a gradient over to add blue as a split tone.

With this grid when I originally made it was very cool colors because of the white leaf but when I played with temp and contrast it made it warm colors.

For this grid I took two pictures and cropped and them into strips and wove them together and I used the the color saturation's to make it a monochrome.

These are my mood pictures and a couple of edits.(top one is final) The mood for this photo is the feeling you get when winter is almost over and spring is about to come and the colors start coming back in plants. 
 For this grid I made one original grid and flipped it to give a mirrored sense.
For this grid I used red and green to make a complementary color grid.